17 October 2007

Ive Been Busy!

On Sep 13, 2007 I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason! I have since turned in my proficiency and have even taken part in several FC degrees and MM degrees. Not only have I been busy, but so has our lodge! We did over 6 degrees in Sept and will have done 7+ by the end of Oct!

Our Grand Lodge requires all newly raised Master Masons to complete a short course that gives the newly raised brother 'more light' by explaining some of the things Masonry has to offer and some etiquette of Masonry. A very good program! We also have Masonic Education workshops we can attend. I went to my first one recently and really enjoyed the experience.

One item of discussion was one of the Grand Masters proposed resolutions for this years communication. While I don't think its necessary to get into the details of it one thing I noticed was it produced some passionate responses. While the discussion during the workshop had to be limited due to the amount of time alloted and the material to cover, the conversations and discussion continued afterwards.

I love a good debate. I love a bad debate! The art of debating, discussing the points of view among passionate people is a lost art I feel. Most discussions today in private, public and especially the internet break down quickly into name calling, personal attacks and 'sound bite logic'. As a newly raised Mason it struck me after I left that there were many of us having this discussion in small groups around the dinning room and parking lot. While you could hear and feel the passion of the subject, there was no name calling, attacking or belittling. It was heated at times but it was always respectful and courteous. When it was time to leave everyone shook hands, embraced and parted on the square. As far as I can tell and know, there is no hard feelings, no hurt feelings and I know I for one feel good because I know my point was made and heard. Did anyones minds get changed? I doubt it. The brothers for the suggestion are most likely still for it, those opposed are still opposed. Those on the fence are likely still on the fence but now have some new food for thought while they try to make up their minds.

Speaking of FOOD! Be sure to check out Bro Cory Sigler's E-Zine The Working Tools!

The lessons come from the journey... So Mote It Be!