01 June 2007

Scatter Shooting While Wondering ...

... what happened to the news being reported as just the news and not some spin put on it by the reporter or anchor? If the bank was robbed I don’t need to know, and don’t want to know, that he has been unemployed for 6 years, his race, that he was abused as a child, suffering from PTS from watching reports of the war! Just lay out the facts: this bank was robbed, the robber was shot while trying to get away, and no innocents were injured!!!
... why are the people that use the 'not tolerant of others' card the first to not be tolerant of others views?
... why have we become a society of victims and 'it's not my fault'?
... what happened to "Making Good Men Better"? It seems every time I turn around I’m reading of some scandal within the Craft. Has it always been this bad and I just didn’t notice since I was involved? Are the lessons being lost and forgotten?
... when did placing Nazi flags on the graves of US Servicemen become Free Speech? To me its only vandalism! A crime like this should NOT be a misdemeanor and should have a VERY harsh sentence!

The lessons come from the journey... So Mote It Be!